Friday, March 1, 2013

The Dawn of a New Day

Today is March 1st 2013. I have been planning this day for at least a month. It's the day I begin my search for myself.  I know I am inside this body somewhere.  I am safely behind bags of chips, bowls of ice cream,  orders of fries cups of soda and bites of bread! I have been on a weight loss-gain roller coaster for years.  I have probably lost over 300 pounds over the past 10 years...and gained it back..but mostly I have lost sight of what life is all about.  Up until right now this very minute, my life has been about food.  That's about it. Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing life, I am married to the perfect man for me.  I am mom to 6 extraordinary kids. My life is good. But somewhere over the past twenty years I have lost something.  I have lost a piece of me, maybe two or three. they are pieces that give my life meaning, drive and enjoyment.  I think they might be called hobbies...all I know is that for a long time the only thing I have done for fun is eat.   One week ago I celebrated my 46th birthday, (okay who am I kidding, what I mean is that I  have been celebrating for at least a week!) First I celebrated with was the only thing that looked party-ish at the gas station I snuck away to while I was at a weight loss seminar all day.  For reals!  I spent the entire day at a weight loss that kharma or what? The next day I celebrated alone with a cup of frozen custard, when I was supposed to be at the weight loss seminar.  Then I celebrated with friends, Emily, Lindsay and Ice cream. Then I celebrated with Chocolate and then with pie because someone actually gave me something for my birthday i had to eat them!!  Then I celebrated out to lunch with a huge sandwich and not one but two cookies! Notice I didn't say I celebrated with friends even though they invited me, arranged it and paid?  How twisted is that?  All I remember is what I ate! Then I celebrated with pie  again because, yes, someone gave me another.  I have been stocking up on a bunch of garbage foods for months because I am getting ready to start a program of healthy eating....really smart. Have you ever done that? Okay, don't answer that.  I feel like a diseased person.  I know it isn't normal thinking, unless one is sick.  The illness is called what?  Addiction, obsessive?  I don't even know.  Thing is I do know!  I know better.  I know better than anyone how to eat and live healthy.  For crying out loud!  My husband runs a weight loss clinic!!!

(deep breath) note to self, calm down!

So here I am putting my soul on a blog in black and white. To hold my feet to the fire so to speak!

So how am I going to do this?  That's the easy part.  I am going to follow the word of widsom or in other words, I am going to follow a program of eating vegetables in season, eating whole grains, just brown rice for now, and eating lean meat SPARINGLY.  I will detail the journey and the program as I go.  As of today, i am going sugar free.  after I get back home I will start the program.

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